News 365 Days

News 365 Days Network is a perfect platform for citizens to report news and make your content reach Millions of users every day. The whole idea is to empower the audience with vivid categories and local happenings before any other medium, making them stay ahead of the rest.


What is News 365 Days Network program?

News 365 Days Network is the easiest way to publish articles on News 365 Days app if you have a zeal to write and make some earnings additionally. Network by News 365 Days is an easy citizen-powered, content publishing option to reach millions of readers and monetize content.


Why contribute to us?

News 365 Days assures your content reaches to the right audience. A very unique and classy reading experience has enabled us to engage millions of active readers who are constantly consuming interesting content just like yours.

Various categories and proper localization helped us to connect vernacular readers with diverse tastes and preferences. We want you to have a great experience when using News 365 Days. We’re a small team working extremely hard on a mission to build great vernacular content for India and also power every locality, by building a “Civic Reporting“ community.



You need to register as a contributor on News 365 Days Network to publish your articles and videos so that the content can reach to millions of readers on News 365 Days App. We are open to common people, writers and bloggers who want to write, gain weight and make some earnings.



Name should be as per your photo ID

Do not use fake/alias/celebrity/corporate names of any person or entity


Content Policy:

News 365 Days Network provides a platform for people to put their views as well as write news for the audience. In order to ensure a good experience for both contributors and writers, read our Content Policy carefully.



Should not be less than 20 characters
No wrong usage of punctuation
No misleading, distracting and irrelevant title
Title should be related to the story and informative


Minimum 200 characters and a maximum of 400
Only relevant content/news needs to be submitted. Outdated and fake news will lead to escalations on the contributor
Content that is obscene in any form(text, image or video) won’t be accepted
No sensitive content or content that creates a visual discomfort will be published
Religiously provoking, criminal and sensitive content is strictly prohibited
Content should be original and should not be a property of any person/entity
Third party contributors shall not publish any content which is (i) defamatory, obscene and pornographic (ii) harmful to children, (iii) violates any law for the time being in force, and (iv) threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India

Quality of the article:

Article should be complete and should have the elements of What, Why, Where, Who, When and How
The image should be clear and of decent visual quality
Story should be understandable and error free with no biased/plagiarized content


With strong checks in place there is no scope for plagiarized content. Contributors will face escalations if observed doing any practices of this sort
Unauthorized use of image, video or article is prohibited
Unauthorized use of corporate name, logo or title should be strictly avoided
Unauthorized of personal fame, image or privacy will lead to legal escalations


Image should be relevant to content only
Multiple images cannot be sent
No sensitive or sexually explicit image


Video should be relevant to content only
Shaky and amateur videos will not be accepted
No sensitive or sexually explicit videos

Advertising & Promotion:

No links/landing pages will be accepted
Ads and promotional posts will not be accepted
No content will be promoted on our app
Content on how to buy/sell products/make easy money prohibited
Content containing any kind of job offers/self promotions is restricted


News 365 Days reserves the right to remove any content that it feels not relevant on the platform without any prior notice
The reporter will be held responsible and lawfully accountable for any breach of the content policy in case of prosecution
Please go through the revenue model carefully to understand all financial terms
Signing up on News 365 Days Network allows News 365 Days to use your content on its app



News 365 Days Network is aiming to provide earnings to all contributors. You can withdraw the earnings made through your stories via Paytm or a cheque. Find all earnings related information under the ‘Profile’ tab. News 365 Days Network provides a platform for people to put their views as well as write news for the audience. In order to ensure a good experience for both contributors and writers, read our Content Policy carefully.


News 365 Days Referral Program Terms and Conditions

News 365 Days, (“we”, “News 365 Days” or “Company”), may at times offer you the opportunity to refer friends via a referral program (“Program”) offered on its mobile application.

Terms and Conditions
The Referral Program offered by News 365 Days has been created to reward you, our loyal Customers, (“you,” “Member,” “Referrer,” “Participant”) for doing what you would already do – recommending us to friends and family who sign on to be News 365 Days customers (“Participants” or “Referred”). It was also created to reward your friends and family for listening to your great advice in referring us, by offering them a reward for signing up at your referral! The following News 365 Days Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) contain important information about our referral, so please read them carefully. These Program Terms and Conditions are a binding agreement between you and News 365 Days and will govern your participation in any and all Program offers. By participating in the Program, you agree to the Site Terms and Conditions and the Site Privacy Policy. You are not authorized to participate in the Program, if you do not agree to these Program Terms and Conditions in their entirety. News 365 Days reserves the right to modify these Program Terms and Conditions at any time, at its sole discretion, and without notice to you. Participation in the Program is considered acceptance of Program Terms and Conditions and any modifications which might be made. News 365 Days may also, in its sole discretion, change, cancel, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program without notice. News 365 Days also reserves the right to disqualify any customers or prospective customers at any time from participation in the Program.


If you are News 365 Days User you can use News 365 Days Referral Program.

3. How the Program Works

A Qualified Referral occurs when: i. The Referrer shares an News 365 Days Partner URL through e.g. email, Facebook, or any other communication means with a person, the Referred; ii. The Referred then signs up for an News 365 Days account when they arrive at the News 365 Days App by opening the News 365 Days Refferal URL shared by the Referrer ; and Referral Reward.The Referred customer will receive Scratch Cards which contains some money for each user account created. Eligibility. To be eligible for participation in the Program, both the Referrer and the Referred must be at least 18 years of age. News 365 Days reserves the right to find ineligible any Participant in the Program at its sole discretion.

4. Referral Fee

The Referrer will receive Scratch Cards from News 365 Days by the Referred customer, for each User account created Customer’s News 365 Days database. Referral Fees are paid via Paytm. As the Referrer’s request, payment can be made in the form of News 365 Days Credits which can be later redeemed after reaching a certain limit. Other than this latter method of payment, the Referrer must have a valid Paytm account to receive referral fees, as News 365 Days does not offer payment via check, credit card or cash.


Referrers cannot refer themselves or create multiple, fictitious or fake accounts with the Company. No User may use the Program to violate any law, infringe or violate the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Program. In addition, you may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot or other device or artifice to participate or receive any benefit in the Program. This includes but is not limited to a general prohibition on posting of the referral codes on any website which offers the referral code to anyone other than Friends, i.e. individuals to whom you personally know. If we believe that a referral code associated with a User’s account was used in such a manner, we have the right to remove all credit associated with that account and remove the User from the News 365 Days Platform. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.

6. Liability

Binding Effects. By participating in the Program, you agree to and are bound by the Program Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to agree to and abide by the Program Terms and Conditions in their entirety, you are not authorized to participate in the Program. Release. By participating in the Program, Participants release News 365 Days, its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising, and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost, or expense, including, without limitation, property damages, personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Program and/or the use of any Program rewards. Indemnification. Participants agree to indemnify, defend, and hold News 365 Days and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by the participant of any of these Program Terms and Conditions or any violation by Participant of applicable law.

7. Disclaimer

News 365 Days disclaims any liability for damage to any Phone resulting from participating in, or accessing or downloading information in connection with the Program, and reserves the right, in News 365 Days’s sole discretion, to cancel, modify, or suspend the Program should a virus, bug, computer problem, unauthorized intervention, or other causes beyond News 365 Days’s control, corrupt the administration, security, or proper play of the Program.

8. Right to Cancel, Modify or Terminate.

We reserve the right to cancel, modify or terminate the Program at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to disqualify any User at any time from participation in the Program if we have a good faith belief that he/she has violated any of these Terms that the administration, security, or fairness of the Program has been compromised in any way.


Please read and edit the TERMS AND CONDITIONS Policy given below as per your /website’s requirement. Don’t use or apply these as is basis on your website. Your website may use the Terms and Conditions given below. The terms "We" / "Us" / "Our"/”Company” individually and collectively refer to News 365 Days and the terms "Visitor” ”User” refer to the users. This page states the Terms and Conditions under which you (Visitor) may visit this website (“Website”). Please read this page carefully. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated here, we would request you to exit this site. The business, any of its business divisions and / or its subsidiaries, associate companies or subsidiaries to subsidiaries or such other investment companies (in India or abroad) reserve their respective rights to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this posting. You should visit this page periodically to re-appraise yourself of the Terms and Conditions, because they are binding on all users of this Website.


All logos, brands, marks headings, labels, names, signatures, numerals, shapes or any combinations thereof, appearing in this site, except as otherwise noted, are properties either owned, or used under licence, by the business and / or its associate entities who feature on this Website. The use of these properties or any other content on this site, except as provided in these terms and conditions or in the site content, is strictly prohibited. You may not sell or modify the content of this Website or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the materials in any way for any public or commercial purpose without the respective organisation’s or entity’s written permission.


(A) Security Rules Visitors are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Web site, including, without limitation, (1) accessing data not intended for such user or logging into a server or account which the user is not authorised to access, (2) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorisation, (3) attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus or "Trojan horse" to the Website, overloading, "flooding", "mail bombing" or "crashing", or (4) sending unsolicited electronic mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. The business and / or its associate entities will have the right to investigate occurrences that they suspect as involving such violations and will have the right to involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations. (B) General Rules Visitors may not use the Web Site in order to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material (a) that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence or violate any applicable law or regulation, (b) in a manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity of other personal rights of others, or (c) that is libellous, defamatory, pornographic, profane, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful.


The User unilaterally agree to indemnify and hold harmless, without objection, the Company, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, actions and/or demands and/or liabilities and/or losses and/or damages whatsoever arising from or resulting from their use of News 365 or their breach of the terms .


User agrees that neither Company nor its group companies, directors, officers or employee shall be liable for any direct or/and indirect or/and incidental or/and special or/and consequential or/and exemplary damages, resulting from the use or/and the inability to use the service or/and for cost of procurement of substitute goods or/and services or resulting from any goods or/and data or/and information or/and services purchased or/and obtained or/and messages received or/and transactions entered into through or/and from the service or/and resulting from unauthorized access to or/and alteration of user's transmissions or/and data or/and arising from any other matter relating to the service, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or/and use or/and data or other intangible, even if Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. User further agrees that Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from interruption, suspension or termination of service, including but not limited to direct or/and indirect or/and incidental or/and special consequential or/and exemplary damages, whether such interruption or/and suspension or/and termination was justified or not, negligent or intentional, inadvertent or advertent. User agrees that Company shall not be responsible or liable to user, or anyone, for the statements or conduct of any third party of the service. In sum, in no event shall Company's total liability to the User for all damages or/and losses or/and causes of action exceed the amount paid by the User to Company, if any, that is related to the cause of action.


In no event shall Company or any parties, organizations or entities associated with the corporate brand name us or otherwise, mentioned at this Website be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitations, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits, or damage to computer hardware or loss of data information or business interruption) resulting from the use or inability to use the Website and the Website material, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not, such organization or entities were advised of the possibility of such damages.